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Releasing baby turtles on Gili Meno!

September 09, 2017

Releasing baby turtles on Gili Meno!

We were so lucky when we went on our weekend getaway to Gili Meno. As we woke up early at AVIA Villas, we did a little morning stroll and made some photos on the beach for Instagram - when we saw a pamflet on the wall that today the baby turtles we're being released at the Turtle Sanctuary. At turtle sanctuary, turtle eggs and baby turtles are nurtured and protected until they’re a few months old and ready to be set free in the sea. We screamed of excitement, as this only happens once in a few months (we missed the one when we we're in Nihiwatu, Sumba - so we we're soooo happy to finally experience a turtle release!).

It was only a 20 minute walk along the coastline to the Sanctuary. When we arrived it was already super crowded, we all paid 150.000 Rupiah (about 12 euro's) per person to release a baby turtle - this money they use for the Turtle Sanctuary so it was kind of a donation. It was quite hectic, but we managed to find a quiet spot on the beach to release our little babies. It was so magical to experience, it's hard to put into words <3

See all our photos here from the baby turtle release on Gili Meno - and check out our Gili Meno Travel Diaryfilled with tips for when you're planning your trip here!

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