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Why this is the time to start planning your 2021 Bali trip!

November 03, 2020

Why this is the time to start planning your 2021 Bali trip!

Since 2021 is slowly coming closer, island lovers like you and us are getting more and more excited by the day. Bali still plans to re-open the island in January (find our latest Covid in Bali update here), so let the countdown begin! With little to no travel this year - we can all use the inspiration to look forward to some salty adventures again, right? As long as it's safe to travel of course and it doesn't mean we're saying you have to pack your bags to leave to Bali on the first day of opening, but we think for sure that now is the perfect time to dream away a little and start planning your trip for 2021... 

And here's why!

1. By traveling to Bali in 2021 it's helping the people in Bali getting back on their feet! As you know Bali is having a hard time during Covid-19, due to Indonesia closing its borders for foreign travellers. With more than 70% of the people on the island living from tourism, this means for most of them no income, no food and struggling. Their positivity and smiles are definitely pushing them through this crisis, but oh how amazing will it be when they can get back to their daily business when tourism is picking up again. By traveling to Bali you will support Bali to bounce back! (ps: and up until that time we're launching a new project to donate to charity project Nasi Bungkus Tetangga again, so stay tuned!)

2. Let's stay a while. After this crazy year we can all use a good vacation. A 365 days vacation actually, right? Ok, we know this is probably out of reach - but how about a long staycation under the Bali sun? Does sound good, right? Maybe this is the time to take that long sabbatical (if it was possible to save up a little bit with not traveling this year) or move your home office to an office under the palm trees and a lunch break by dipping in the pool. This is definitely the time to book that dreamy Bali villa or seaside resort for a (way) better price then usual. 

3. About that; lots of popular stays in Bali are usually fully booked months ahead but with borders closed there are way less customers. So they're starting to offer super interesting promotions and discounts.

Our bucketlist of places to stay is forever and ever endless (we have so many new places to show you guys once we're back on the island!) so here's 5 that are currently highest on our list that we can't wait to stay asap!

4. Too blessed to be stressed. We're pretty sure your stresslevels have sky rocketed at points this year, so we hope 2021 will be a year where you can restore and relax a bit more. Although it seems this pandemic is by far over, it doesn't seem to hurt - better said, really no better reason and time - to book yourself that well deserved Bali retreat that you've always wanted to go on. Stay tuned for our tips for 10 Bali retreats to check out. Ready to lock that tropical you-time down? Start here for some inspiration for Bali retreats to start a stress-less 2021.

5. Rather learn something new and make that dream happening of finally learn how to surf? Have a look at these surf camps in Bali! Waves sure aren't crowded as usual at this time and you might want to catch those waves before Bali's tourism returns to its normal buzz. 

6. Last but not least: let's soak up that vitamin sun and stay healthy. We aren't experts on this whole Covid thing, but we seem to read a lot about the virus having a harder time to spread outside and on well ventilated spaces. And by getting that daily dose of vitamine D under the Bali sun, spending your days outside, eating healthy food, drinking local jamus, get active with yoga, surfing or daily beach walks - you're boosting your immune system which leads to hopefully beating this virus if somehow it does get to you. Also, sunshine makes happy. So bye bye Winter (and hopefully this virus too)!

Last note that of course it's still unsure how all local travel advises are at the time when Bali re-opens, but we can't help but always looking at the bright side of things. We sure can't wait to start soaking you up in our daily island life adventures again. 

Want to have ALL the tips for Bali right now? You will find these in our Bali Islandlife Guide (in print or as eGuide) and Dutch book 'We like Bali - dé reisgids voor het ultieme eilandleven'. Find them here!

Pris & Eve

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